
Showing posts from January 3, 2021


As the name rightly suggests, its purpose is to ensure safety of the hands. It protects the hands against abrasion, heat, cold, chemicals, microorganisms, mechanical risks etc. A glove is a covering for the hand, having openings with covering sheath for the fingers. It can be made of different kinds of materials e.g. cotton, PVC, latex, nitrile, leather, rubber etc. The reason for this is to ensure that the glove satisfies the purpose of its use. If the hand is to be protected against chemicals, it will be murderous to use a cotton glove. Instead, a latex, nitrile or rubber glove may be used, depending on the toxicity of the chemical. In choosing the appropriate type of safety glove to buy, you must put into consideration the safety challenges your job entail, the thickness of the glove, the length and size of the glove. Gloves are not one-size-fits all, they come in sizes and buying a loose glove would only make work difficult because loose gloves have loose finger ends. Also, b...