THE NEED FOR PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT IN WORKPLACE INTRODUCTION Many times workers do not adhere to personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements because they feel it is a nuisance to wear or slows them down during a task. But PPE is used only when some type of hazard has been identified and cannot be eliminated or controlled through other means. Simply stated, when we have personal protective equipment requirements, it means there is a hazard that may cause you injury and failing to use the prescribed equipment puts you in potential danger. PROTECTING YOU FROM HAZARDS Personal protective equipment is NOT the first line of defence against identified hazards at our workplace. We make every attempt to engineer solutions to prevent injuries so PPE isn’t necessary. When we can’t fully eliminate or control the hazard, then we provide PPE for your safety. WHEN AND WHERE IS PROTECTION REQUIRED? The company assesses all the work areas to find the hazards that are...